patrickhuston96 28th January 2020

RIP: Requiescsat in potato. Rest in peace potato man. I’ll miss you, Your presence, convoluted, warmth internal had. Battles, and demons and things that you fought; your head disagreed, and you loved not, what was wrought. Ginger, frizzy, beard and coat, we joked a hobo. Your home made mine, for reasons, who cares. Your family; friendly, welcoming, to me. We met in oxford, jovial, good company, so became friends. Time apart, space between, messages when, friends still. Visits, carry on enjoying time together. We did. Funny times, your shed and the bottoms of the garden. Rose, she loved me when regulars could not. Your life was hard, I know, we talked much on this. Mental health, serious, pay attention and weep. For I know that if fixed not, furthermore this will creep! There are institutional problems run deep, which insinuate, whisper and let poison seep! I’m so sorry I could not help you more. I fear few could. Although you may think few care, I know you meant much to those who were yours. Your, wit enlightened, if snails sprinted speedier. The future, I endeavour, make more of a difference. I feel guilt, and ashamed. I helped less than I could. But you’d tell me to wise up and shut up I would. One thing in common, traversing our bond, was a bluntness, directness. Round the bush, we weren’t fond. I won’t forget you potato man. I hope you and JC hit it off well. Potato. RIP.